Carnelian Search Carnelian Search

Insights from Carnelian Search

We are proud of our track record in finding outstanding directors and senior staff for dozens of charities and social enterprises since we were founded.

“Let’s dance”: a case for non-standardised interviews

“Let’s dance”: a case for non-standardised interviews

Jonathan, one of the Consultants at Carnelian makes a case for non-standarised interviews. While the the aim may be noble: eliminating bias and ensuring fair comparison, he argues the view that total standardisation of questions is the answer to these challenges is misguided. Particularly when the job in question is a position of leadership.

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Year in Review 2022/2023

Year in Review 2022/2023

As another academic year has passed, we reflect on the opportunities and challenges we have encountered over the past twelve months and share common trends amongst our clients.

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In-Person and Informal

In-Person and Informal

As the ‘return to the office’ debate rumbles on, most of our clients are navigating the double-edged sword that is remote working. It offers invaluable flexibility, particularly to those with caring responsibilities. But if the pandemic affirmed anything, it was that we are embodied people and so online is no substitute for in person.

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Seven Lessons in Recruiting from Recent Searches

Seven Lessons in Recruiting from Recent Searches

Getting the right leaders is crucial to the success of any organisation. But making excellent senior appointments is often hard and requires much wisdom. Some of our recent searches have highlighted valuable lessons.

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A Conversation with Kenny Imafidon

A Conversation with Kenny Imafidon

Kenny Imafidon is a seasoned charity trustee and chair, and the co-founder of two businesses. The first, ClearView Research, specialises in engaging people from diverse backgrounds, and providing clients with culturally-sensitive insights on diverse communities. OnBoard, his new start-up which launched in early 2021 seeks to encourage, empower, and equip younger professionals to take up seats on boards, providing them with training and mentoring.

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Keychange appoints a new Chief Executive

Keychange appoints a new Chief Executive

Keychange occupies a unique place in the care landscape as well as the world of Christian charities. Through eleven sites and over 300 staff, the charity provides quality care and accommodation across the length and breadth of the country to the ageing and the young.

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