Carnelian Search Carnelian Search

Insights from Carnelian Search

We are proud of our track record in finding outstanding directors and senior staff for dozens of charities and social enterprises since we were founded.

Why be a trustee? Part 2

Why be a trustee? Part 2

The Charity Commission requires all charities to appoint trustees, and it’s sometimes easy to think of trustee appointments as routine, tick-box exercises – something you must do. But in the faith-based sector, there is more to being a trustee than simply enabling a charity to meet regulations. There is a theological reasoning behind this set up which can itself form a powerful motivation for candidates to be willing to be a trustee.

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Why be a trustee? Part 1

Why be a trustee? Part 1

Earlier in the year, we wrote about the marked rise in charities coming to us for help in the appointment of trustees to their boards. In this, the first of two blogs, we offer a few reasons why there might be an ebb of willing trustees in some sectors.

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All Roads Lead to the Board

All Roads Lead to the Board

“All problems a charity faces have their roots in the board.” Someone wise once said this to me. Over many years working with boards and senior leadership teams, I’ve increasingly found it to be true.

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Neurodiversity and Leadership

Neurodiversity and Leadership

One in seven people in the UK are neurodivergent, so it is vital for leaders to build inclusive workplaces which enable such team members to flourish. In this piece, we highlight a few qualities associated with neurodiversity and inclusive workplaces to encourage leaders to pursue practices which enable neurodiverse employees to bring their unique offering to the table.

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What is search?

What is search?

Even those who have worked with search firms in the past may have ideas about what we’re doing that prove to be inaccurate and which can hinder fruitful search processes. In this blog you’ll find a few key points about what we do which should help you not only to work with us, but explain what to expect from all search firms.

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Reflections on the Leadership of HM Queen Elizabeth II

Reflections on the Leadership of HM Queen Elizabeth II

On Monday 19th September, the nation paid its last respects to Queen Elizabeth II. Here at Carnelian, it has struck us that her majesty’s life and the loss we feel at its end, are a testament to the power and strength of her leadership. Here, we offer a few thoughts on what we have lost.

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