Carnelian Search Carnelian Search

Insights from Carnelian Search

We are proud of our track record in finding outstanding directors and senior staff for dozens of charities and social enterprises since we were founded.

A Conversation with Scot Bower

A Conversation with Scot Bower

Scot Bower has been CEO of CSW since 2020. He is currently studying for an MA in Charity Leadership & Management at St Mary’s University. We wanted to ask him about the research he’s undertaking which considers an aspect of charity governance for his dissertation.

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What I learned in my first 8 months of search

What I learned in my first 8 months of search

Encouraged by my colleagues to reflect on what I’ve learned since joining Carnelian earlier this year, here are three observations, offered from a recent outsider on recruitment, leadership and the charity world. None of them are new, but I hope they offer insight into the inner workings of our search practice and the excellence in people we pursue for our clients.

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Ross Hendry appointed as Chief Executive of CARE

Ross Hendry appointed as Chief Executive of CARE

CARE is a Westminster-based charity whose mission is to bring a uniquely Christian insight to the policies and laws that govern life in the UK. Carnelian Search was appointed by the trustees to lead the search for a new Chief Executive after the previous CEO, Nola Leach, announced her plans to retire. Read on to find out more about this unique search.

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Kevin Appleton appointed as Chairman of Christianity Explored

Kevin Appleton appointed as Chairman of Christianity Explored

Our experience is that charity Chair searches are often challenging. The fit with the existing organisation must be excellent. The incoming Chair needs to know she/he has the full support of the existing Board. The role unremunerated and the time commitment is significant.

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Monkton Combe Appoints a New Chair

Monkton Combe Appoints a New Chair

This was a very challenging search. Chairs within the charity sector are often the hardest roles to fill because of the significant time commitment combined with the voluntary nature of the post.

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OCCA appoint Interim CEO, CEO, Director of Development and Director of Operations

OCCA appoint Interim CEO, CEO, Director of Development and Director of Operations

During a period of significant change at the charity, the trustees at OCCA approached Carnelian to lead several searches with the purpose of recruiting a new senior team. This was a longer-term partnership with the ministry over the course of nearly two years.

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