Case Study

Strengthening the board at an HMC School

Supporting a school over several years with multiple rounds of board-level recruitment

The Challenge

This HMC School with a strong Christian ethos faced an ongoing need to recruit governors. Together, the Board needed to be highly missionally-aligned with the School and offer a breadth of skills and experience to support a school operating in an increasingly complex sector.

Our Approach

We invested time in developing a nuanced understanding of the culture of the board, its precise needs regarding skills and experience, and the specific challenges it would likely face over the coming years. This was refined with the Board over time as our partnership resulted in several different projects: a governor search, a chair search and a board review. We engaged a range of candidates in discussions over many months who were in strong personal sympathy with the mission of the School and could contribute effectively to oversight of a host of areas relating to its strategic leadership.

Our Impact

As a result of our work, four governors were appointed, all of whom further enriched the variety and strength of the board. After a chair search which covered a large range of candidates with a very precise blend of board experience and expertise, a new Chair was appointed from a small but competitive shortlist. Finally, our board review process confirmed the overall health of the governing body, while identifying areas ripe for further strengthening and positioning the board for greater impact in the years ahead.