Case Study

Finding and supporting a visionary CEO

Appointing a CEO to transform a charity providing residential care

The Challenge

Following the tumult of the pandemic and a period of interim leadership, the Trustees of a Christian charity providing residential care at sites across the country needed a visionary new CEO to secure the stability of the organisation and lead it firmly towards a new future.

Our Approach

In conversation with the Board, we developed a brief which reflected the full scope and excitement of the challenge facing the new Chief Executive, along with the complexities of leadership in a charitable context while providing a service which is heavily regulated. High quality candidates for such organisations need resilience and determination as well as an ability to manage risk at a detailed operational level, while remaining focused on strategic objectives.

We assembled a field of candidates from within and without the care sector who brought familiarity with the challenges facing the organisation, and an aptitude for change.

Our Impact

The Trustees were united in their approval of a candidate who has rapidly begun the process of driving the charity forwards toward greater standards of excellence while nurturing a strong culture and ensuring that the health of the charity is secure. We have since worked with the new Chief Executive on two further searches to develop the senior leadership team as the charity pursues new kinds of growth.